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To let me know what festivals you are planning to participate in, please see the form at the bottom of the page. Or click here.
What is a Piano Festival?
Piano festivals are events where students will have prepared repertoire ahead of time to perform in front of an adjudicator for comments and sometimes a rating based off their performance. These are not competitions.
Are students required to participate?
Not at all! Students are encouraged to participate in order to strengthen performing skills and boost confidence, but they are not at all required to participate if they currently feel these events to be way too outside their comfort zone. However, I’ll keep trying to encourage them to participate the next year!
Which festivals do students typically participate in?
As of now, the only two festivals we’ve participated in are the Winston-Salem Piano Teachers Association Fall Festival, and the North Carolina Federation of Music Clubs Junior Festival.
This year I am also open to taking students to the Greensboro Music Teachers Association Performance Festival and/or the North Carolina Music Teacher’s Association District Festival.
What are the benefits of participating?
These events are seen as growth events, meant to help students learn how to prepare over a longer period of time for a performance and grow their confidence in performing under pressure. It also allows them to get commentary and encouragement from other professionals besides their teacher.
Can I watch my child perform?
No, these events are not open to the public for people to watch. The only people allowed in the adjudication room are the performer, the adjudicator, and the proctor. Teachers and family members can listen outside the room.
What are the requirements to participate in a festival?
It depends on the festival. Some festivals are more lax than others. Here are details about each one: